Hydroponic Farm in Shipping Container Can Grow Vegetables Using 97% Less Water. … Local Roots is an agriculture business that doesn’t own any land. Instead, they grow all their organic vegetables inside shipping containers called TerraFarms Instead, they grow all their organic vegetables inside shipping containers called TerraFarms. Each shipping container is fitted inside with a hydroponic farm that can grow the same volume of food as five acres of traditional farmland. Everyone access to healthy and sustainable produce.
The team control all aspects of the company from design and manufacturing every single aspect of the containers’ interior to the packaging and shipping of the harvested vegetables.
In opposition to most traditional farms that rely heavily on chemicals to both grow and maintain crops. The food grown inside the Local Roots shipping containers is not subject to any harmful chemicals. Someday, hydroponic farming might even play a role in space exploration and colonization. Freight Farms is working with NASA and Clemson University to improve the efficiency of its farming units in the hopes of eventually using them in space.