Shipping Container Conversion to be used as a Florists

The idea being that this small but interesting addition will help to attract additional foot fall to the area.



Our customer wanted us to retain the container’s industrial look but adapt for ease of use by creating a powered flap that rises up at a touch of a button to form a large serving hatch (the flap acting as a rain canopy in case of bad weather). MK Container developed a design and converted a 10ft high cube container, modifying it as follows:

  1. Supply 1 x 10ft High-cube container.
  2. Supply & fit 2 x 1100 x 900 aluminium framed double glazed window to be fitted to container doors whilst retaining the original locking bars.
  3. Remove the complete container side wall and strengthen.
  4. Create a aperture 2.5 x 2.5m and strengthen.
  5. Fabricate a hinged steel canopy to fit the aperture.
  6. Supply and fit electrically powered actuators to operate the flap.
  7. Repaint interior and exterior to customer required colour.

It’s amazing how many uses can be found for these simple metal boxes. From using them in the home to transforming them into a home, and much more, it’s clear that the humble shipping container is far from a one-use wonder.




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