Shipping Container Converted to Stables | Horse Barns, Horse Paddock, Barn Stalls


Shipping Container homes are all the rage now, with home renovators and builders incorporating them into houses to reduce waste and therefore make houses more environmentally friendly. But what if you don’t need a new house – what are some alternative uses for shipping containers? Look no further, here’s a list of fantastic ways to re-purpose a shipping container. Converting shipping containers continues to grow in popularity, and recently we were asked about using them for temporary farm shelters and horse stables. With some proper consideration and modification work, the end product can be a great asset and provide years of use.



As opposed to permanent structures, the conversions can be inexpensive, mobile, and very sturdy. Before we get started, the ideal container would be a high cube, 9’6” tall. A standard, 8’6” tall container would work for a smaller horse, but a taller horse might have problems. Also, it’s important to consider adequate ventilation. Without airflow, the air can quickly become stale and condensation can build. As seasons change and crops are rotated, it may be necessary to periodically relocate the container shelter. Moving a shipping container with a tilt bed trailer is the ideal option because getting a forklift into a pasture or grazing area might not be possible. Building a stable or animal shelter is a great idea if you are looking to create an inexpensive, durable,



mobile solution for your farm or ranch. Shipping containers can be found in just about any area of the United States, and if they’re not local they can be trucked in.

If you need help finding a shipping container to convert to a stable or animal shelter, Our sellers have new and used a shipping container for sale Feel free to contact them, or our staff, for all of your shipping container

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